
Stimulus payments and 1099 forms

Are you preparing to file your taxes? Do you need your stimulus payment information or other tax forms? Here’s where you can find that information.

For stimulus payments: Log into home banking and click on the three vertical dots near the account into which the deposit was made and choose the “history” option.  Next, click on the icon shaped like a funnel on the top right of the screen to filter your search. In the pop-up box, choose the date range of 1-1-2021 through 12-31-2021. Scroll down in the box and unclick the withdrawals option to show only the deposits. Click “filter”. Most folks received the deposits in early January and mid-March. They would show as incoming from IRS TREAS. Be careful, your regular tax refunds will also be listed as coming from the IRS if you received a refund from your 2020 taxes. If you did not receive your stimulus as a direct deposit, you may have deposited paper checks. These items will show as “Deposit”. The first deposit of the year could have been as much as $600 per person. The second payments could have been as much as $1400 per person. Both were adjusted based on income and so your amounts may vary.


For tax reporting documents like 1099s:  The forms were included as the last page on your December 2021 statement. To view these online, please sign into home banking. Click on the three horizontal lines under our logo near the top left of the screen. Choose “Statements and Documents”.  To the right, change the drop-down option for document years to 2021. You can then view your December 2021 statement. Just scroll to the last page for your 1099-INT. Don’t see one there? Your year-to-date dividend information is on the top of the first page of the December statement. Remember, a form will only be generated for dividends more than $10.


Any other questions we can help with? Do you need to sign up for the free home banking service? Just give us a call at 215-822-9119.

Ashley Class