
Please read the fine print. Sometimes faster is not always better.

We all know that our world seems to be moving faster and faster each day. We send messages in an instant. We move our money around with just a few clicks on our phones. We stop by a dealership and purchase a car and need just a few signatures. We click on a button online and items appear at our doorstep. Our grandparents certainly never had such conveniences.

However, please be careful. Lately we have seen an increasing number of members who mistakenly sign up for repeated deliveries of those items to the doorsteps. Some others have left a dealership with a new car and then gotten home and reviewed the paperwork only to find that the interest rate is well above what they expected or that other products had been added to their bill of sale. Please read all the fine print and sign and click only when you are sure of the details.

Be careful of the “buy now and pay later” programs. Read the details carefully. Many of them have high interest rates that are charged back to the beginning balance if you do not meet all the program requirements. It is ok to take a moment and consider your options for any purchase. We try to stay competitive, but we don’t always have the best rate, but we would always prefer to see our members make good financial decisions. Give us a call if you have questions. Look at any financing agreement you may have signed recently. We truly are seeing interest rates that we have not seen before on some of these agreements. You work hard for your money. Your credit union wants to be sure that you keep those funds. Take a moment to read the fine print. It really does make a difference!

Ashley Class